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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Update about J-Life Ghana....

Dear Ministry Partners,
I have been in the Northern Region of Ghana for 21 days. Preaching Christ Jesus and making Him known among the generations. My journey took me to Zamashiegu and Daidudgli in the Gushiegu District of Tamale.
This village is a total idol worship village, I met the chief, preached Christ to him and prayed for his salvation, had one on one evangelism, held crusades and had 7 souls won unto the Lord. It is a very hard ground with lots of witchcrafts and other evil happenings. We are thankful to God for His protection and covering during our 14 day stay in the villages. I also trained the local church leaders in soul winning and discipleship and gave 5 bags of broken rice as donation to the community.
I had another 7 day stop over at Nkanchina No2 in the Kpandai District; this village has 5 different chiefs. We shared Gods word of salvation to the community, taught the Junior High final year students who are writing their final BECE on Monday 17th June, 2013, prayed on the land and shared 150 pieces of bagged rice for the lepers of the community from 5 bags of broken rice. This is also an idol and traditional worship village. Their god is a crocodile which is harmless. There is no light in the whole community well over 40years plus, no place of convenience and it is a total leper village.
We bless God for your life. We share our God story with you because you made it happen with and by your prayers and financial support. May God continually show forth His face on you for the pain you have taken to give, and still do give.
I pray personally for you that God’s purposes and mandate be established in your life all throughout the next half of year 2013 and I declare the latter part of year 2013 your year of “TETELESTAI” John 19:30a, Amen.
God bless you.

Rev. Hudson Palgrave Boakye-Danquah

Monday, June 10, 2013

Well done my good and faithful servant....

Just wanted to feature the parents of John Abrahamse, founder of J-Life Ministries, Tony and Pam Abrahamse. Many of you have heard of us speak of "the farm", "Camp Eden" or "Driefontein". These names are all synonymous with where J-Life Ministry is based in South Africa. Tony and Pam live and work on the farm. They are the farm. Many years ago, John had a vision to start a ministry and without the generousity of Tony and Pam giving land, buildings, and money, J-Life would not have been able to do all they have done over the last 12 years. Tony and Pam would not want this recognition (I didn't ask permission :)), but we celebrated Tony's 70th birthday this past weekend and I was reminded that their obedience to the Lord and furthing of HIS kingdom is what they have lived their lives for. It was a beautiful celebration. I am betting early in their marriage they had NO IDEA they would be changing lives all over Africa.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Caught in a world

This time of year always brings a certain angst in my heart. It's cold here in South Africa and warm in the States. Schools out for the most part, annual family beach trip and summer camp is coming...in the States. I feel like everyone goes through it at one stage or another living overseas.

Hard to explain because it's not homesickness. Or discontent. Because I really at this point have 2 homes. One here and one in Texas. But it's the change of seasons, the end of school beginning of summer. Our 'summer' break occurs during Christmas break so there's no separating the two.

Hold with me....

But then there are days like today where I get to meet missionaries from Rwanda who've come here for medical needs. Americans who I probably would have never met otherwise, God put in my path. To deliver a little goody bag, play with a 5 year old sister and see how God goes before us even in the most hectic of circumstances.

So you see I'm caught. Loving my God who makes BIG things and is a BIG God. Loving where I am and what I do. Loving the way Christ loves. Loving my family and friends back in the States. Loving technology that makes our world a little smaller.

Loving that The Lord called us to be a tiny part of what He's up to in Africa. But caught between two worlds that I wish were a little closer.

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