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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thankful List 2011 
Nieces and nephews
Other missionary families
Mom and dad
Grammy and Bubba
Sisters and Brothers
Sister in Laws
Andrew and Elizabeth
Gracie Lou Freebird
Hard drives full of series and movies
Great smelling candles
Encouragers on FB and Twitter
J-Life Staff
J-Life workers all over Africa
Flip flops
No more exams (for now)
Being an Aunt and Uncle to people all over the world (blood related and not)
Ranger (our dog)
Mail (not bills)
People who bring love packages!
Mexican Food
Mosquito Repellent 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Crazy week

Well, this week has been super crazy and I am left asking myself if after 3 and 1/2 years I am really adapted to African culture. We have driven, flown and wished ourselves to many places in South Africa. One of those places is Home Affairs which is where you go to get your ID books, passports, visas, and other official certificates. That being said, we've spent many hours in official government offices helping get Visas for all of our J-Life International country members and ourselves, but nothing prepared me for the Ghana Embassy in Pretoria! We drove 90 minutes to reach Pretoria not only once but twice this last week. Wednesday the Embassy was closed with a note left on the gate...a little defeating after driving 90 minutes through Joburg traffic. So, knowing this is the way things work here in Africa, I optimistically thought tomorrow will be better. We'll get the visa for David to go to the West Africa Summit and all will be good. 'MY' plans will work out.  Well, next day, same traffic, but with both our kids in tow.We arrived at 10 am and left at 2pm WITHOUT a visa. Randomly, it seemed, that the lady at the embassy decides who and when people get their visas. Frustrated, to say the least, we come back home and I ate chocolate. Stress eating I'm sure, but didn't matter the reason. Tasted good and isn't chocolate suppose to be good for you?

I ask myself why is this so hard? I spent time reflecting and praying (while eating chocolate) and concluded that yes, the Lord is in control and I am not. This is a lesson I seemed to be learning a lot over and over. Why are we so stubborn and forgetful about this lesson? I'm thinking this was a lesson I should have learned (and remembered) moving across the world. So as this week starts, reminded of the Lord's sovereignty, we will begin again.