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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Will You Join Us?


I hope this note finds you and your family well. We are having a beautiful, but very cold winter here in South Africa. As you probably know, our family works with an organization called J-Life Africa Ministries.  Our church, First Baptist Church McKinney, has partnered with J-Life to help accomplish our vision for Africa. Our vision is to train leaders to mobilize disciple-making movements in Africa.  We believe the most effective way to bring life transformation is through life-on-life mentoring and coaching. J-Life seeks to mobilize leaders that have a holistic approach to the amazing news of Christ, an approach that will transform lives and communities.  

By now you are probably wondering why I am writing this note. Well, our family needs to raise about half of our support to be able to carry out our ministry.  The other is provided through the Missional Life budget at FBC McKinney. We have been in South Africa for more than three years. Over the last three years, David and I have sought the Lord in what our roles are to be in this journey.  We each have several roles with J-Life. David, through his management experience, is able to help the leadership team with many of our day-to-day operations. He also works directly with our 15 (soon to be 18) country leaders throughout Africa. He spends a great deal of time mentoring and coaching these leaders. Many of them are young adults still in their twenties. Wonder how he does this? Well, through email, phone calls and text mainly.  J-Life has a yearly summit in February when all the countries come together for a week to train, fellowship and share the things Christ is doing. Also, mini summits are being held for West and Central Africa in September and October. East Africa had a mini Summit in May. My roles vary according to Matthew and Grace’s schedule for school. The children are my main priority.  Our goal, like any parent, is to raise healthy well adapted children who love the Lord.  I help with many events that are held throughout the year including Short-term mission training and youth camp. I also am beginning a new journey with communications through the web site and emails.

Ways you can help are first and foremost through prayer. We are met with spiritual battles throughout are efforts in Africa. Prayer is the main thing that keeps our family going. Another way is through giving. Any amount will and can be used for our family.  We currently have partners that give anywhere from $10 to $100. We would love for you to join us financially in this journey. Please pray about this specific need. You can give online through www.fbcmissionallife.com.   Click on “giving” and we are account TYW 01.

For more information, stories and pictures go to:

Monday, August 8, 2011


I was thinking this morning as I laid in bed that what a joy it is to be able to communicate freely! Not only can we speak of Christ and what He did for us, but we can share. Just thankful this morning to have freedoms that some are not allowed to have. I got such a sweet little FB note and it just encouraged me this morning!

Doing what we do in Africa would be possible without you through your support and encouragement!!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!