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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

News from The Even Family!!

Happenings with the Evens

Family 1J-Life Logo

In This Issue
Family Update
J-Life Ministry Update
Prayer Praises & Request

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Family Update
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Hello all! As you can see the kids have been quite busy with sports in the last month. Matthew played soccer and Grace played hockey. They both did really well. It was quite a hectic time. A new change for them will come in January when they will be changing schools. Liz has received a job as high school science lab assistant and the kids will go to school with her. This will be a better school for the children. Also Liz will be able to further her ministry outreach with the High School students. The name of the school is

Waterstone College. We are VERY exited to have this opportunity! 

Grace Hockey

J-Life Ministries

This August David has been busy organizing a Regional Summit. The dates are September 25-29th. It iis being held in Harare, Zimbabwe. Our leaders from all over Southern Africa will be joining him for some business and reflection time. We hope to have another Regional Summit for the Northern African team later this year. 
Liz has been working with her volunteer school, Arcon Park Primary. There are so many kids in each classroom (about 45) that her work there is much appreciated. Liz also spent a day in Extension 23. Many of you have worked in Ext 23 with us. She spent a day with Dudu sharing about issues in women's health. 


Prayer Praises and Request
Praises: **David's health has been much better!! He visited the Headache Clinic in Johannesburg and is getting help managing his headaches. 
**Grace and Matthew took the entrance exam to Waterstone College and were accepted for January 2012. 

Request: **David with travel mercies for Regional Summit. 

**Possible home trip for us in December. We need additional support or someone willing to donate miles for us. 

Trip Home
Please, If you know anyone with air miles and is willing to donate for our trip home in December, let me know!! Thanks!!
Contact Info 
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J-Life Ministries | 56 Ring Road | Three Rivers | Vereeniging | Gauteng | 1929 | South Africa


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