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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

June in Africa

Wow! We have been back a month now and things are gearing up for our Winter STeM training. We were so blessed to see many of you in April/May when we were home. We are so encouraged by your prayers and support.

Your support has enabled us to:

  • Come back to McKinney to see family and attend Andrew’s wedding. We are so blessed with family and friends who sacrifice to see us while in Texas. Andrew married Elizabeth Doster on May 7th in Fayetteville, Arkansas. We were able to spend quite a bit of time with them before the wedding. Thank you all for supporting us while we were “away” in Arkansas.
  • We were able to bring back baby blankets made by a special lady whose husband use to work with David at Trane. We will be giving these out to little ones in the local government hospital in the next couple of weeks. They are just in time for winter!!
  • We were able to buy a second gas heater!! Our winters are very cold and the houses here are not insulated and well built. We have one heater in the living room and now a second one in the bedroom. We only run these at night or early morning when it is at its coldest.  The cost of gas and fuel has more than doubled since we have lived in South Africa.
  • Set up for unlimited internet and an ADSL line.  We are currently waiting on the phone company to come install the line and set up for DSL. We up to this point have had to watch what we download and the number of MB we used. This will enable us to have a Vonage phone, Skype and be online without the worry of Megabytes! 
Prayer Request:
  • End of term exams start for Grace and Matthew. They have caught up from being away, but need to continue to learn and study for exams. Exams are set up like many universities in the States. They will begin this Thursday and have one exam a day or skip a day then have another. So for the next three and a half weeks will be filled with exams and studying.
  • Pray for a team to come later this year to help finish the construction on the silos. We are continuing to renovate a set of old silos for staff housing. Some of our staff currently live in a set of rooms that are to be used for camps and retreats. Camps are a way that J-Life makes money in order to sustain the ministry. So, the more rooms and dorms we have, the larger ability to make money for the ministry.
  • The arrival of Brian and Jennifer Easley in September. We are super excited to have them join our team at J-Life. Brian and Jen will be helping run our camp site and revitalize it with their new ideas and energy!
  • STeM is happening June 30-July 9th. STeM is where young leaders come to J-Life for 4 days of mission trip training then go out to a community to serve for 5 days. We do this twice during the July holidays. It is a great way of equipping young people and opening their eyes to missions and what is possible.

We love each of you and know that our mission is not possible without you. We are blessed to have friends and family support us while in South Africa. To support us financially go to fbcmckinney.com and click "giving" then follow instructions. Also, make sure to use "TYW01" as account. 


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