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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Defining moments

Well as yesterday came and went I was reminded again about defining moments in our lives. As generations passed, we too have defining moments. My grandparents, bombing of Pearl Harbor; my parents, assassination of JFK, Andrews, 911. I began to to think of what is our defining moment? I remember clearly sitting in a dorm room watching the beginning of Desert Storm. A new era of war. I remember as a child sitting in mrs malvern's class watching president Reagan being shot, I remember as a new mom, watching the towers in NY fall wondering what in the world. What does this mean for my children. How does this defining moment change us as a nation. As Americans. Realizing now more than ever that the world was effected. The shot heard round the world, if you will...

As believers, we have defining moments. For me there are a handful, most joyous occasions, but not all.

As a ninth grader, my uncle was shot in his home. For many years to come I was afraid. Quoting, my God is with me, for whom shall I fear. Many days.

As a senior in high school learning our youth minister was leaving for a new church. Our group of seniors sat and talked about our responsibility to lead. To help those you get than us. To lead them in the way of God.

As a junior in college trying to get into pharmacy school, telling the school counselor that The Lord had sent me to this pharmacy school to go to pharmacy school. To an atheist of whom I am sure thought, WHO is this girl and why does she think she should get into the number 3 pharmacy school in the nation, with THOSE grades (although not bad, just not straight A's). Standing up to the keeper of my fate. Or so she thought.

I remember as a young adult deciding, do I go back to my home town or move off in a completely new town? Having left McKinney saying I didn't want to come back, but The Lord changed my heart over the course of my 5th year in college. Having homesickness of note and feeling as if I HAD to return.

Meeting David Even, knowing soon into the relationship we would be married. But, David having, let's just say cautions, to getting married again, I let him go....I remember having a hard conversation with him and with our GOD. Whoah...only for him to return a couple of months later. A LONG couple of months later.

I remember one Sunday being about 8 weeks pregnant and began to spot. May 31, 1998. Suppose to leave for extreme camp the next day. Realizing a few hours later, we were loosing the baby. Our baby. I remember sitting in what was to be our baby's room saying to David. This will be a defining moment. We will use this for God's glory somehow. Those tears and a broken heart choosing THAT moment for The Lord.

Defining moments...remembering in Oct 2007 in room 1 at Camp Eden, J-Life South Africa saying, God is calling us here. We've been looking at what all we could do to make this missionary thing happen and it was HIS plan all along. HIS timing. HIS people being called from First McKinney to send out a family not prepared only willing. A step of faith. A defining moment. Five and half years later and joining with us, almost 15 families out in the field from First McKinney.

Defining moments....over 600 people involved this weekend at DNow. I am praying for defining moments for youth, leaders, adults, Drivers. Neighbors, anyone able to see and hear. I want my BIG GOD to do BIG things. I want defining moments from THIS weekend to be written and spoken about for many years to come. We LOVE DNow. Miss it muchly. Every year. But my heart knows that The Lord makes these defining moments. Moments for us all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:South Africa


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