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Even Family Adventure

"Let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our hearts to us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Flat Tire and Dr Mark

Last night the kids and I had UpWard Soccer and it was Parent night and I got shall we say suckered into playing on the women's team. Not really, it was fun. Usually, soccer is in the morning and it's over by lunch. I note this because I am driving back and forth on this 2 lane road about an hour in the dark, by myself-well I did have 2 kids with me and a cell phone.... Anyway, as we left the Even children and Mom were very excited because each of us had scored a goal in our game. (Note: David and Andrew do not return from Zimbabwe until Monday the 8th.) So on the way I thought my tires sounded funny, but got to Upward and no flats and one the Dads checked the car out-good to go.

POINT TO THE STORY: Had a blow out about half way home, but at a four way stop thankfully. Did not fell unsafe at all. Called John A. (leader of Jlife). He called around and found someone to help me. He phoned and said, "There will be an elderly gentleman walking around the corner soon to help you change your tire. His name is Henry." So soon enough a gentleman (i would not call him elderly) came to the window and said, "Liz, I am Henry, here to help you change your tire."

The remarkable thing as I drove away was that the whole situation reminded me of Dr. Mark. The way he was dressed, the way he walked around the corner with sweater on and the way he spoke. Both English and African. The other thing was that when I did live across the street from Dr. Mark, those are the things he did. Show up and help, serve someone he didn't know and then just disappear into the dark. This man named Henry was my Dr. Mark last night and still his legacy goes on. For those of you who had the honor and pleasure of knowing Dr. Mark and the lasting impression he left on this world, just like Henry left on mine.

Thanks be to God for Dr Mark and Henry


At September 8, 2008 at 3:44 PM , Blogger Kim said...

what a great post! can't wait to see y'all!

At September 17, 2008 at 6:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liz--God is watching over you and I am so proud to see you seeing his presence. Sometimes I completely miss his provision for me. I know the Presley's still can't believe Dr. Mark isn't here and it's cool to know you saw another that reminds you of our friend.

Hot tamalas are on the way--will probably arrive before your freight! See ya soon---terry


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